
Give us war!

Its time again, and not a moment too soon

The trigger set, the fuse lit

Just for the Spark…

Blow the ram’s horn and flood our veins with wild rage, hearts a’ flutter, toes numb

Let’s tear each others fucking guts out and lick the insides

The sinew of muscle bellies stuck between our teeth

Grinning from ear to ear with red madness dripping from our chins

Celebration, Camaraderie, Gratitude in our hearts for our opponents!

At long last! An honest war!

If death, then honest death! A thankful killing!

Pummel my body with stones

Beat my skull FLAT into the earth

Grind my bones to dust for the snorting and dance round’ the fire, high on my spirit

Honor me to your gods

Send glory up to your ancestors in my sacrificial smoke

The beast inside you! I see him!

I can smell his wickedness! That stench upon his sleeve;

My grandfather described it to me once. He was a man of war.

Your eyes! They’re a’wild and living again!

Now look down at your trembling hands in disbelief of their deeds

Dried blood and dirt under nail

And what is this feeling? How could this visit me now? Here!


Gay hearts and light spirits we unearth!

What a terrible trick –to bury this love beneath our skin for so long

Salmon fists raised now in loving rage – a victorious expression!

In defeat I will cheer your victory with tears of a happy heart

For now our grandfathers have met and shaken hands in fair fight

A common ground, the battlefield

We’ll have earned our rest for once

Let us sleep like death, then arise anew, hungry for life!

Sated our wound-up madness will be;

May chaos lie dormant til’ our begging bones call again

Death, the marrow of humanity

We are the waring animal

Let us war now

For life, for living, for something real

Before we lose this precious mad lust