Connectivity is Totalizing

Global connection of local (national) networks into a single, interoperable one will embrittle the grand network by increasing its attackable surface area, and in its size will be perceived its vulnerability. Though redundant systems have been and surely will be built, the nature of a node to a network is that of a point who’s value to the network is asymmetrically outpaced by its vulnerability (as measured by nominal infectible nodes capable of transmitting a viral network-harming element) as network size increases (read: each additional node can contribute only x data point in unique value, while if the value it shares is negative and viral, it’s potential harm can far outweigh its potential good (Xsolis 2) , assuming some symmetry of characteristics between nodes) a shared sense of that vulnerability will be felt –by the masses and the institutions alike– and, ultimately, will lead to our collectively-logical conclusion that the creation of global forces must be forwarded in response to such a feeling, and that a feeling of comfort in its place merits the tamping down of individual freedoms (like privacy and free speech) in subordination to the technological gods (that’s a CEO-engineer, today) who’ve brought about peace on earth–even though both peace and war-making has always been in their hands (like a tool, almost –an unwieldy one, like promethean fire, technique itself– always has been).

Thankfulness and reverence in the form of compliance and politeness will be haughtily expected. Analogous religious ceremonies will be made, as that’s what we worshiping beings do with all of our contrived gods; worship and wage holy wars against each other in their names. Hence our proclivity to moralize technique as ‘good’ and antedote to ‘bad’ (profit losing) problems.

Agreement to ones status as ‘equal and no better (or worse)’ (equity) will be the baseline for thought in all institutions –especially in ‘education’ (indoctrination)– that hope to remain in existence.

Techne, technique, technology, big tech will transform the law by fire and by moral making–but by fire at bottom, long before law will transform big tech. Law is conservative by nature, and therefore defensive whereas Tech is progressive and therefore aggressive–an advantage in competition for moral superiority, and war. Tech’s presence (‘software eating the world’ like a meat-voracious scab-eating Hermès) in every sector, means its morals (what it finds ‘good’ for it, as goose) will reign, supreme. The morals of tech are the morals of using technique to generate returns on capital, excess returns: profit.

Capitalism is the most effective means of hierarchical determination for market participants. Using technique as symbol of (presumed) collective ‘progress’ (a scapegoat to be sure, for when things go wrong *Chernobyl*) and coloring it beneficent to the ‘general welfare’ by default (read: ‘by manufactured consent,’ propagandization), capital’s newer tricks abstract direct conflict between nations into hyper real faux conflict (with the aid of the media industrial complex), and thereby transmute (pervert) the gestalt belief of free competition into one of superstructure and singularity.

The monitoring (there’s that privacy issue) of commodities (people) and their regulation normalizes their otherwise more volatile consummatory behavior (read: freedom is problematic) and makes their spending traceable, influenceable, predictable, and ultimately controllable.

Illusion of choice, then, must also be maintained lest resentment of a too overt (distasteful) oppression of the individual’s innate will to power and truth boil over; and to quell further these would-be sentiments, stronger and stronger pablum must be foisted upon the plebeian class as distraction: a colosseum atmosphere of cheering and jeering (‘political football’ as Malcom X profitably put it) must be maintained for the maintenance and anti-profligation of power.

The System will not be undermined. The human hunger for more and the fire of the technological reich (which was also what enabled the Third, consequently) will combine in totalizing fashion and in grand conclusion to history (literally affecting time itself–as with Covid, when they robbed us of a year of our time). It will transform humans themselves into minor gods, just like Hermès. But a globe of savvy tricksters will not make the world better for the captive New Ape they’ve made of man. He won’t even know to pity himself in the end. A globe full of tricksters won’t know which way is North, True. The mores of our morals will swim in a sea of unreality.

And then the next holy book will be written-a future prophecy so dark and then-archaic, it will be written off by future’s modernity, as lore; just as we do the Greeks, the Romans, the Hindus, and the Christians. The ending of empires, Kali dancing atop her lover, Ba’ bel, Revelation.

We are using technique as fast as we can to fall back into unconsciousness. This is all too much to bear.