
Burn me on a pyre

If I haven’t done it myself

set my bones afire

Dress the fat to fool the gods

Make me a pleasing smoke to their noses

Tip them in my favor, the odds

A long lot they cast me

And I stole a bit more

I never deserved a wife

I never made the sacrifice of every day

Love and hate and drudgery

These days were mine

They burned with fire, a few

A few hundred for each were waste

Feeding a beggar’s belly

Feeding a philosopher’s head

And so a sad lot, too

Goodbye to my wife

The one who never got me

Goodbye to my wife

The one I never knew

Burn me on a pyre

Make me Able’s fire

I’ve spent the day as Cain and Tubal too

A raucous time it has been