
Short term-er, small thinker, marshmallow fiend, weak routined

Read a page, eat a pound, drink a binge, weak knee’d, and round

Aspiring, aspirating, rotten toothed potentiate, soft fisted, warrior-sounding, fat bellied idiot

Tune whistler, goal setter, fall short and lie, better give up early, better yet never try

Façade putting on heirs, detailed splitting hairs, plan to failure, launch party regalia, bulls turned to bears

Nevermind the name, spoil the boy, spare the rod, buy the toy, crown him god

somewhere over rainbow pattern, singing childhood sugar, play the short term game with him, build the woulda-should-er

Wailing wall, wide net castor, fatherless fearful, hopeless bastard

Never narrow, bleak and black, thinning fingers, weakened back

Toes tied down, nose to ground, grinding for the gram, cameras off, begin to scoff, the farsighted scam

Bucket list hedonist, return the gift from grifter, shiny scapegoat, rainless raincoat, single childhood temper