Fascism PSA

Just a PSA: This biomedical apartheid sh*t is thinly veiled global totalitarianism, soft totalitarianism but hardening into a Brave New (nightmare) World. It just is. (as evidenced by the fact that I have to write that sentence that way ^^ in order to avoid being censored immediately by either you (you moralists outsourcing your tyranny to terms of service) or the bot sweeping away dissent from social media (aka the PUBLIC SQUARE)—both you and the bot being leading indicators of just such a situation—historically speaking.)
Deal with the obvious and ever-obviating fact pattern. Take the black pill. It tastes terrible, but you’ll be choking down the blue ones for ever if you keep taking them. Who cares what you think you know? This has been a two year all out Color Revolution, and the symbology involved has colored what you think you know—don’t you think just such a thought about that Big Other, that pesky nonbeliever, that vaccine hesitation, that your government has turned your fellow citizen into; that he’s terribly and dangerously misinformed? It’s time to stop demanding that the Other is wrong factually—the facts are now just hyper real abstractions spouted in sugary appeal to your half-thought-out and partially biologically instantiated “moral” sentiments. The Truth is that the medium is the message, and that message, from your functionally fascistic, unholy (and unlawful) bio-governmental-media-techno alliance, this neo-feudal complex of sorts, is ‘look here, idiot, into your screen, where the fascinating, scary stuff shines forth, projecting fear into your amygdala so you’ll project it and realize it into the world for us, while we hypnotize you for the sake of finance capitalism and the fourth industrial revolution which —no big deal— requires heavy social engineering antithetical to your god given rights to liberty from oppression by your government.’ You think your media is immune? Look up common ownership between Thompson Reuters and Pfizer, then realize that that’s not a one-off coincidence. Fascism is rooted in the Trojan horse of fascination. The human mind’s fascination tendency comes from bivalence, symbolically both good and bad, simultaneously emanating from a psychic object. Covid is just such a hyper-object and it’s Trojan horse has allowed in those weakest in character, and they are serving the agenda of change, interregnum, and more change as you’re nudged ever in the direction of becoming controlled, fascinated, lobotomized (paralyzed in fear of the wolf, ‘wolf-ized,’ and thereby herd-able by the governmental shepherd) sheep. If you do not replace your government and it’s fascistic influence on business (and vice versa), you will live very soon, as will your children —effectively forever— in a lesser state of freedom from and in greater subjugation to tyrants increasingly unpalatable from each intentionally bivalent side of this neuvo fascism, distributed fascism. Your vote will cease to matter if it hasn’t already, and your pablum will turn sour, but alas there will be no one to stand on your behalf ‘when they come for you.’ Keep moralizing about the fear porn you’re subjected to each day, and what it tells you to think about your fellow citizens. It worked out great for the Nazis—who’s hyperinflation pattern, amongst many others, we’re following, by the way.