When you racial marxist ideologues get rid of the sane people who won’t agree to see skin color and divide ourselves thereby—after we all leave your institutions, after you scapegoat us in the name of “peace,” your ideology will collapse on itself—it always does. Go ahead, make everything about skin color and gender. Call it a new idea, your Nietzschean Resentement. Watch what happens. Destroy our imperfectly striving continuity in the name of the impossibility of equity. You morons. You ignorant. You weak-minded moralizers. We’ll clean up after your revolution, re-enact the constitution, rebuild your dead institutions, and bury you along with the nazis and Bolsheviks in the dustbins of history. We’ll re-erect the statues of great men (Men!) that you destroyed, and we will again restore the kingdom to peace, if imperfectly. Burn it down. It’s in your hearts’ to do so—that much is obvious (despite your half-witted adoption of the utopic siren song of equity, diversity, and inclusion, the kind-sounding but historically ignorant and simplistic tunes you sing). Sew your chaos—it is the seed of your own flowering destruction. We will till your soil and souls and replant. Thank you for the nutrients and the reminder of lessons lost to your constant penchant for rewriting history. Conservatism is meant to conserve gains at the cost of slow change. Liberalism is meant to liberate from all bounds at the cost of the conservation of those very hard-won gains. The former is metastable, the latter temporary, fleeting, chaotic, exciting, but never lasting. Revolutions happen, as will yours, but the human psyche values stability at bottom. Our very biology is built around it. You think neuvo-tribalism without bio-racial roots and a few dead slogans is going to usurp 200 million years of evolution? You probably think a new invention like narrow mRNA therapy is a better solution than your own hyper-evolved immune system, too. You value nothing of antiquity despite it forming the ground you walk on, despite it forming you. How unthankful of life you are. How unthankful of your great ancestors. We dishonor our fathers and mothers at our peril—that was written in stone for good reason. Nothing is new under the sun. Not even your dumb revolution. Not your half-assed pharmakeaic scapegoating of the citizenry. Not that battering of the sacred logos, the platonic ideal—not it’s Christian bastardizations. We will rebuild. We will integrate the 1% of your ideas that work. We will tell your new story of Nuremberg and the camps you’ll inevitably build for free thinkers and freedom pursuers who refuse your mandates and speak despite them, despite the temporary cost, the sacred logos, because anti-logos, anti-logic is all the Devil ever could do—protest against what IS and what forever will be; deconstruction is a far weaker tool than construction, only appearing more potent in the moment of animalic fervor, of passion. But passion is temporary. You hold up weak lies against Truth. Your words are salt, your mantras thirsty. And while you think you’ll train our children with your failed ideology—ideology of the state, they themselves will train your grandchildren to hear it coming: —your neuvo jackboots with softer soles, and weaker ones too—trained to the Sounds of Silence once again. We will pick our teeth with your dry bones. Bring on the “equity” Revolution. Let’s get your ideological show in the road. Come and take it, oh wise ones of Revolution. “Thinking themselves wise, they became fools.”