sleepy savior

hide your face
stir the still
animal I see
mane and gill

and see mine
deal in fright
fear the divine
practice the rite

lose your self
you twisted twin
man without
god within

dance the round
toe to line
dragons we
of human kind

pitch the fever 
boil the blood
violence beget us
come the flood

détente dilettante
watch the feast
in you too 
rise the beast

of mother maenad
of chaos dragon 
flesh from bones
tear the kraken

praise our madness
bathe in gladness
weary now we are

masks have dropped
and madness stopped
animals ajar

whip now mother
name the tribe
save us father
hang the hide

dance we did 
for a time
and recreate
oldest crime

sleep savior
praise to thee
war and peace
in you, in me