
love and loft, related
sure as it has been said,
"ye are gods!"

fast is to beget feast, not famine
sacrifice, surplus, not sterility
and abstinence, fruit, not fear

purity is filth in the making
virgin, ripe and red for the taking

life, from pole to pole 
death, a return to whole

contrast, king to peasant
for hunter come the pheasant 

yes, high and low relate 
and love betwixt consumed

not sterile death, not fearful abstinence
but life! from the weak pick the strong their berries
juice and blood in our toothy grin and wickedness, our taking

What is appropriate to man but appropriation?

yes, love and malice relate
so rinse wine-soaked beard 
and repeat again: "ye are gods" 
this is life!