revery of the dying gods

A prophet walks into a bar 
and sings a hymn

"I have good news, weary friends."

the drunken gods all roll their eyes 'round to hear

"The almighty—he has need of your sorrows!"

'finally, a song worth singing,' one cries

"A love, a guilt, a melody, the crying babe and laughing pauper, the sin-lover in anxious piety; 

Ye are the heart
the soul's palm, 
eyes and ears to the Almighty
rendered weak by existence; 

Ye are the salvation of God,
and he your resting reward 
for palm to plough
for sorrow and snare"

A cry rang out: 
'heil this grateful god!'

'heil,' the weary echoed

promptly they strung him up,
this prophet
and as he cried

"My god, my god, 
why hath thou forsaken me?",

the saints, 
drunk now on the holy ghost
rang in retort;

'fear not, prophet!
our god is want for your song too
do cry out!
do writhe!'

A great 'Amen' they sang 
each night thereafter

this, the revery of the dying gods

for what is a bar 
but a church in the making?