Denatured Nature -or- Down with the Patriarchy

If we can conceive, we moderns, of a Spirit of the Mother in nature, that from biology an immaterial experience emerges; if we recognize the spirit, the patterns in and of Nature ('Nature's nature', that is),  then why is it so inconceivable to us that the Spirit of the Father which notices those natural patterns, the spirit which is embodied in our very bodies has 'come into', or 'inhabited' these bodies of ours?

The body is tangible, a basis for spirit; just as the spirit acknowledges the body and gives it existential "life."

The two clearly interdepend.

Matter may well pre-date spirit but its life —the life that comes from being known, named, that is 'life as understood by spiritual experiential beings, begins with, from, and by the naming function, the Logos, the 'word in the beginning'—Being.

The potential of mother / matter is made real in the World of Being by the pattern that the Father / pattern introjects in relation to her usefulness to and in that same World of Being (that is, usefulness in relation to pattern-recognizing Beings who pattern recognize for a living—literally, in order to survive).

Even time —the time by which it is conceived that matter might pre-date consciousness— is but a re-cognized pattern (of suns and moons and spinning); but there again—'of what?''...pre-"existent" material.

And so it is in one way that material nature comes first, and in another that her practical existence is only made (usefully) relative to, and by, the father's patterning function which names the 'nature of Nature'.

In the world of Mankind, the one which sits atop the natural Earth, without the Individual's spirit, recognized as such, Man is, when he becomes de-spirited, also simultaneously re-Natured (re-animalized) and de-natured (reverted from pattern recognition into animalic pattern obeisance), and this is the very end of the "World."

Today we are rushed—foremost by the State, who enjoys itself most when governing animals, and also by entertainment—to denature our spiritual inheritance, to hand over our Gift of Consciousness to screens and the mind-grasping ('enter' - 'taining') stories atop them. It is no wonder, then, that those very stories —those that grab or minds most tightly and posit for us realities both supposedly real and imaginary— those we pontificate, speculate, and theorize about long after they've finished playing, are those of Armageddons of just such crises of human consciousness.

Can we, in time to avoid imitating our art, recognize the root of these introjected potentialities ‚ can we keep our freely given Gift of Conscious Spiritedness? Can we, by its magical use, court our Spirits' continued presence? Only if we practice fervently that Spirit's needs, its requisites: small, accountable communities allied against the largess-seeking state of the State (Leviathan, that is), and the avoidance of that which de-natures Spirit by means of sin: entertainment of the mind in place of communal reality.

Should the cozy alliance between State and Entertainment succeed in denaturing we Spiritual beings, they will (as they clearly intend) generate a false world, and without turning inward to that ‘still small voice’, they will dominate our Being —our entire experience— with those false realities. The struggle is not between left and right, nor between economic classes, but between those who secretly know of the profits that can be had by way of the process of denaturing of the Spirit of the Father that resides in the otherwise natural chthonic man; if he is stripped of identity with the father, in his natural nakedness which yearns for a name, he will labor indefinitely in order to purchase some seemingly available, if false, identity in order to fill that generated void.