A bit on totalitarianism

Socialism is coming. The Great Reset is real (and wink wink, named for Mao’s Cultural Revolution: The Great Leap Forward). The finance capitalists are globalists, not Americans. They are going to bankrupt this country’s citizenry to turn it socialist, tightly uniting media, commerce, and government. Print the money under the guises of ‘the good of the people,’ make them chocke it down by threatening social slurs and blacklisting, destroy free speech in the public square (now, social media), force compliance via moralization, turn the citizens against one another in fear of a never-ending invisible threat, and track and trace them as they hand over their freedoms in Mass Re-collectivization (the same Propagandization, Atomization, and Otherization used in the Mass Formation of every subjugation of a people from Nazi Germany’s Jews to Stalinist Russia’s Kulaks, to Mao’s Revolution, and to Pol Pot’s. The ‘educated’ are always first to feel the guilt of their ‘priveledge’ which is why they’re the first to espouse the equity; guilt from their own inequitable outcomes, and as for the underclasses, their sense of resentment as the Ginny Coefficient raises higher and higher via the asymmetric outcomes of those same guilt-laden beneficiaries of socialist (disguised as “democrat”) policies, is stoked to a fever pitch, which with their rising violence stoked by the very parties claiming to ‘help the privileged’ draw out the cause for the nationalization of police. Don’t believe me, just watch. You had better start waking up, because what I’m warning of here is not a warning at all: its happened. Gobbles said “the more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing.” The Fascism is happening now. The apparatus for your sinking into submission is already in place. You already mouth the morals of the state, and the fact of fascistic ties between your work and the government’s ‘approved language’ is in whether you could repost a message like this one without fear of losing your job. Can you? Granted, you may think I’m wrong. But I bet you haven’t thought about this enough to refute it. Consider what truths and suspicions you are keeping in the dark. Our country is not well. Democracy is failing us by way of corrupt politicians, not by way of its tenets. Say no to mandates. You accepted the mask mandate, so you accepted the vaccine mandate, so you’ll accept the booster mandate, so you’ll accept the federal government spying on your bank account, so you’ll accept the alteration of your language without the ability to refute it–all because you refuse to see yourself as the ideal potential perpetrator, to consider whether the Color Revolution that is now governing your group think and the psychological trick of Mass Formation and Re-collectivization that is being played on you like a script of those who have done a deep read of history, and who have the power to re-color Marxism-Lenninism in to Bio-Lenninism / Racial Marxism (the otherizing of a population in exchange for control over every facet of life in the name of ‘leading the way to a better place’ (ie., build back better, hope & change). And worst, you’ll be forced to go along with the dramatic punishment of those who will be forced to rise up against your initial gullibility and lack of knowledge, your go-along-to-get-along-ness, in the name of freedom. You –yourself– will support genocide. You heard it here first. I’m not predicting what’s going to happen, I’m simply close-reading history and commenting on human nature. Perhaps you still disagree…but just ask yourself “Self, have I gone along with corporate retraining that modifies my speech in the name of ‘harm reduction?’ in the name of ‘protection of a protected class’?” If your Self sheepishly answers ‘yes,’ then you’ve started speaking the jargon of Resentment and you have been bitten already by Nietzsche’s Tarantula. You will allow murder to happen in the name of Good. And ask yourself “Self, have I been part of any conversations who’ve denigrated the unvaccinated and not spoken up for the individual rights of bodily sovereignty of my fellow man, instead passively (or actively) agreeing with the sentiment of the group Other-izing a class of humans?” If your Self sheepishly answers ‘Yes,’ you -You, Yourself- have made the same sheepish decision that the bystanders of the Third Reich made, and you will allow your own next door neighbors and local small business owners to be driven first to poverty, then camps––and you’ll go along with the idea that they’re ‘only for health purposes,’ just like the Germans and Austrians did. Don’t believe me, just watch. Do you think yourself so different? Google the smiling Nazi’s and you’ll find the righteous indignation of the murderers, both men and women, grinning from ear to ear just a stone’s throw away from Auschwitz. This time there is no West to save the world. The West is fully in on it. Vladimir Lenin was correct: The logical outcome of Capitalism (via regulatory capture and given enough industrial-technical capability–which we now have) is Communism: again, the atomization, other-ization/division, silencing, and re-collectivization via propagandistic moralizing of the population against itself, the final and only winner being the government and its sanctioned oligarchs. This is exactly what you are permitting: Weimar-level money printing and all. If you don’t see it, I suggest you ask your local conspiracy theorist, because they, while likely over-indexing catastrophic probabilities in general, will actually have the most realistic take on what is happening–the result of Globalism and Capitalism’s ultimate aim: complete commodification and pacification of the populous for perfectly predictable (if centrally planned and thereby bound to flail about dangerously before capitulating to its combinatorially explosive impossibility of long-term viability) profits sanctioned in perfect harmony by faux-regulation, and a forever-state to uphold their control apparatus (media, industry, regulation in tight accord); for its right there in the word, “State,” it is Static by nature. The problem, as Dostoyevsky put it is that “Man is not the key of a Piano,” and he’ll go mad to prove that to himself. Friends, we are not the keys of a piano, and the more you repress your instinct to speak out, or give in to your equally strong instinct to find yourself in the in-group, the more you will find our society in a static State of hell. We need FAR less centralization of decisions about individuals inside of regulator’s domain, and FAR more decentralization and decision making capabilities to be ceded (retaken) back to the individual. For this we need education not delivered by the state (for who do you think the state is working to ‘educate’ (indoctrinate) students on behalf of but Finance Capital, as it works hand in hand to fund and accomplish its goals by literally writing the legislation for our ‘governors’ to sign into law–law that presses down on our individual sovereignty?) Educate your own children or the state will educate it with its own morals–those of collectivism, equity, and at bottom mass-controllable un-individuated narcissist content to consume the UBI pablum of its Capital partners who aim simply to re-monetize each of them into perfectly predictable commodities, tracking their every step, and programming from pre-school, their every thought, while they pile all of their attention-worship and their would-be heroic ego’s libido and vigor into the metaverse, the web, the place to capture their ever-increasingly needed would-be rebellious spirit against such a terrible apparatus as the neuvo-fascist state. This is not late-stage capitalism, this is ‘we’re already fucked and you don’t know it’-ism. Please speak against the lies. Live not by them. Don’t conscious that will lead to the unconscionable. Do not make the mistake of confusing kind-sounding ideas with true altruism. Question those so sure of the agenda of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. You’ll find they’re only sure they don’t want to be ‘on the outs’ with cultural norms…not that they believe what they’re saying, nevermind the true ideologues, the true believers…their place in hell is terribly ironic as they’re always the first to be done away with once the real cut-throats gain power––just ask the Mensheviki…or Jack Ma. Visit with your own conscience. Start dialogues and ask questions until they really explicate themselves. See how many questions it takes for them to stop answer questions, tell you to ‘do the work,’ and finally, to label you with the catchphrase otherizing labels of ‘racist,’ and ‘biggot.’ These amount to ‘heretic,’ and ‘witch,’ labels of the past, though they’re loathe to admit it. “The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either––but right through every human heart.” –Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn