Back into the dark

Are we plunging back into feminine darkness? Back into the unconscious uroboros? Are we desiring a retirement from masculine consciousness? Or are we simply experiencing a further development stage of consciousness—traditionally bound-to-earth women, manifestations of unconscious Mother Nature, ‘doing,’ opposed to masculine ‘thinking’ that resulted in ego development, differentiation, consciousness; are women, now unbounded, via birth control for instance, now masculinizing into male ego consciousness—further psychological independence? Is there another phenomenon afoot? Has our masculine ego subduction via techné applied to the whole of earth brought about an exhaustion with knowing and a desire for Dostoyevskian madness—are we aimed at proving our human fallibility out of a sense of rebellion against over-taut culturalization and rule making—has the king become old and blind? Or are we further splitting mother into atoms (Adams) by rebuilding the Great feminine mistique of collec to ce unconsciousness with masculine tools, ever prying her secrets from her, even prying god’s spirit in man, those spiritual secrets of his ancient totem worshipable spirits of our collective ancestors—both parts making up our psyche; are we re-building our consciousness in narcissistic absorption and fascination with ourselves? Is general artificial intelligence, the singularity, the aim at ego death we’re all so simultaneously seeking and dreading? Are we aiming at the alleviation of the guilt we feel for separating ourselves via our rise to consciousness from the unconscious intrinsic connection to and absolute state of nature from whence we came? Once Google knows everything in its million zeroes, does it know our every thought—and is that ‘god’? Can it rebuild or infer our archetypes? Can it assign us rites of passage and prescribe which spirits of our totemic forefathers we are to reenact on the world stage? Or will it simply continue to be a commodity producing psychic extraction machine used for the subversion of individual sovereignty as a hive mind of the global state? …I have some questions.