Forever so busy you’ll do nothing but make cash registers ring from one side, then the other, on your ‘days off.’ You get a reprieve to live the other side of capitalism, but it need not rest, it is the state of things—‘state’ as in static.
Overproduction, creating excess consumption will make you sick (the origin of consumption, sickness, but ‘build it and they will come’) but nevermind all that truth; instead mine the profits; and so instead of curbing overproduction, your sickness will be monetized. Transcendence, but not quite Nietzsche’s Superman ideal.
And if new categories represent outlets for overproduction, segmentation, well then expect a marketing campaign of every differentiation and denomination. Now mouth the kitsch of the infinitely variegated flag sellers and tell me I’m a white bigot; they like that sort of thing, the oddly communist corporate fascists (communism pays if you’re on the inside). But expect The New White Facing Hispanic Hetero Normative Nog Chompa Flavored Chai Tea Venti Ass Play Latte from your local Starbucks, and a fucking vaccine passport replete with 23&Me DNA verification requisite for its purchase; pride in mutable immutability. Product permutation with a zero cost differential is a marketer’s wet dream. (Coke Zero, anyone?) Swap genders and double the sugar: “any color you like, as long as it’s black.” as Ford had it, just, evolved (spun). Aren’t Lexus’ just Toyota’s with a trim package? Yes, yes they are. And so, are you?
Helicopter parents come gender management consultants. Fools of the Kali Yuga. Books will be written, and burned.