A degenerate is literally de-gene-ed— deracinated into a species that has no racial roots…the ultimate pursuit of the deeply racial preservation focused intellectual elite. They are actually eugenicist, in fact, by and large. They promote degeneracy because it only magnifies the intelligence gap between the haves and have nots. The have nots fall into idiocracy and idealism —for the ideologies they’re sold to simplify the complexity of power dynamics into ‘good guys vs bad guys,’ appealing to their now well-understood emotional temperaments. This enables further control…the aim, the will to power, of most anyone atop our human hierarchies, reinforced by their peers even despite individual altruism, all culminating in systems inevitably built by and for, and if not originally, transmuted into systems that serve the elite. Keep your genes tight. Multiculturalism is a lie sold to the masses by very ethnically driven eugenicists. Equity is a honey trap: everyone will be equitably controlled. The left simply contrives a benevolent system, their god in counter to the contrivance of the right, the god of old. The aim of all of this is commodification of all ‘mindless eaters,’ to control their consumption for profit and to docelize them with drugs, fear, and equitable slave morality—docility makes predictable, tradable commodities of the to-be globally homogenized average man. This view allows you to see the sense in open borders: intermixing = homogenization = equally normalized docility = predictable investments. If you consider the social credit score‘a purpose you’ll find it to be the same. No rebellion against the system = forever power of a permanent administration no longer for the people (if it ever was) but clearly for the elite, who do not like competition. Best to wipe out any dissent in the minds of the people, hence the constant propaganda, fear mongoring and positioning of them by the food, drugs, media, and ideology they eat, stupidly. With every bite of the ideology we take, every unexamined moral we demand and adopt in the name of nice sounding words like “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” we prove to the ever-centralizing hyper-capitalists —who will non-ironically have white, large families, with deep racial, high-cultural roots with patence traceable back to antiquity— their rightful enslavement of an increasingly somatic populous, accepting of —promulgating, even— their manipulations. They never said they’d believe the morals of modernity—they just find it profitable and if self interest to sell them. …not that I’ve thought about this. How dare I care about racial roots, keeping them? I dare because you (likely) dare to take offense, you modernity soaked, moronically moralized equitizer of race: if you can promote degeneration of each individually sacred human tribes, falsely glorifying their culture as long as it becomes capitalistically commodifiable and thereby made acceptable to you by your favorite sugary media moralizing machine, why can’t someone promote generation —‘generousy,’ if you will— of them?