Here’s why climate change is change is fucking bullshit

It’s not. You are, you bullshit artist and narrative consumer.

No one believes your narrative because we know how much of a liar you are—or how much you’ll unthinkingly unobjectively drink down the sugary half-truths of political salesmen in order to think yourself on the right side of their faux-moral fear mongering claims sloshed about across the techno-perma-state’s propaganda delivery devices for which we pay dearly in order to maintain our illusion of culture at the cost of culture itself; scient-ish, but not quite science.

Your kind lies or believes the lies of those who only wish to to get your point across. When that doesn’t work you call names. When that doesn’t work, and you cheat and steal elections to get your way, then implement your costly policies —policies that restrict our freedoms, limit our opportunities, cost us our jobs and our nation at bottom— then tax us all to hell in order to pay for them: you fucking fail in your own self-designed, self-aggrandized implementation! You have some proof that you’re right. But you ignore your valid detractors, instead, labeling them as backward idiots and lobbying to silence —or directly silencing— them through ideologically aligned technology alliances. Yet nothing you do in your infinite wisdom and supposedly forward-looking divisive doomsday-preventative solutions works. Then, like a childish narcissist, when you fail for lack of consideration of the very sciences hard and soft, you point fingers, and anyone but you and your ideas are to blame.

So fuck you. You’re both unbelievable and untrustworthy. Even if you’re right, you’ve made everyone else your bad guy, your scapegoat, enemy and indeed, inimical. You’ve lost any moral high ground you ever hoped to have by denigrating your fellow man. So go fuck yourself and your inhuman propagandistic, cynical, and hypocritical leftist faux-progressive agenda. If your perpetual emergency comes to fruition after its many decades of flailing about between extremist poles, then we all very much hope that it’s your ‘stolen’ beachfront lands (wink) that are subsumed, first by rising tides and finally by the ire of comical irony; that it’s your back yards that are burned to crisps, your children who get no lawns to play in, unquenchable by your sad sack of feminine moralizations and contrived tears.

Climate change has become a lie because you’ve made it one by your infinite hubris, your fear mongering exaggerations, your cocksuredness, your bad-in-the-name-of-good, means-justifying totalitarian tendencies, and your hatefulness for humanity—to paint man as the problem rather than technique leveraged in fear, while fear is the sword in your own hand. We will refuse you all the way down. All the way. You burn, we burn. And we’ll do it just to watch you squirm amidst the flames you’ve contrived and brought about along with us—we ‘the problematic.’ We’ll write INRI above your grave, you moralizing fucking morons. You are disguised behind prideful institutionalized masks of ideology as thick as those of the primitives upon whom you look down long noses, destroying their beautiful cultures in the name of preservation, bastardizing their innocence in the name of modernity.


— your climate ideology victims