Mail in voting

Any time votes are “still being counted” (…because how fucking hard of a process could this possibly be to get right?) surprise, surprise…will most assuredly go in favor of those who have the stronger imperative and thereby self-endowed license…to cheat. Those who fail Haidt’s Moral Foundations framework—if it can be conceptually ‘failed; those set on winning at all costs and under the moral auspices of ‘saving the world’ breaks the iterative forever-game, turning it into a winner-take-all, shortsighted game, but they don’t actually want a game…they are default phyla-nikea rather than phyla-sophia oriented: the spirit of the god of victory, not wisdom possesses them. Liberation from every constraint means liberation also, and necessarily from moral constraint. ‘Might makes right’ in an unmoored world; lest you’ve forgotten their statue toppling and street burning, oh, and then there’s the re-segregation of human beings by color and creed, and the re-introduction of the labels of ‘good and evil’ in order to set up an enemy out-group, a psychological scapegoat to sacrifice to the new gods (themselves) …it’s historically a bad destination who’s welcome sines are topped with Orwellian sloganeering like “equity,” spelled: r e v e n g e. The question as to whether to honor the past or do away with it is a question of degree and if trustworthiness in its handlers. Thus far they’ve proven their degree to be steep-angled and their trustworthiness to be of second class worth. Honor our ancestors instead of tearing them down, and don’t do it in vain, then they’ll have the credibility of the hero of the future to which we can all look up and follow trustingly. Until then, they’re goddamned tyrants masquerading as their straighter-spined forefathers, wearing the masks of honesty branded by real honesty and riding in its credible coattails—whether by ‘distributed’ tyranny and fascism via arms length transaction with tech and media or by something more subtle like a 3500 page freedom destroying papal bull under the guises of an ‘emergency’, we trust them not with our freedom. They’ve lost -at least for now- the Mandate of Heaven, the consent of the governed, the right to rule—and to author rules (authority). They (the politicians on the grand stages of our failing democracy) are in the deepest sense Illegitimate. The spirit of toxic capitalism is every man for himself, fear-induced collectivism always being the moral tip of the spear and ‘reason’ (demand) for change in the name of avoiding the neuvo neuvo-apocalypse. That’s the sense I get of things, anyway.