This is fascism pure and simple. Fuck your mandate. Fuck your opinion. We don’t do rules—because rules are from rulers. And the meta-rule: go fuck yourself. This is America. Pass a law if you want compliance. And even then…good luck with your unrighteous illegitimate globalist corporate technofascist reign. Fuck your somatic hypnotizing technological fire you’d have us forever stare into. Fuck your sniveling safety-first narrative—WE ARE THE BRAVE SPECIES.
And FUCK YOU, dear reader, if you’re complying with mandates (not laws), making people inject shit into their veins in the name of ‘yea but daddy government will fine me’ or your own twisted sense of collectivist, slavish, fearful herd morality. Grow some fucking testicles.
And fuck you, individually, consumer, for soliciting these go along to get along nazi knee benders’ businesses. THE GOVERNMENT IS ON YOUR FACE. CORRUPT INSTITUTIONS ARE IN YOUR VEINS. Stop! Just say ‘No!’ You cannot comply your way out of tyranny.
You laugh (nervously), you doubt, you dismiss? So. Did. They. It takes ZERO minutes for a quarantine camp or vaccination site to turn into Dachau. Centralization of banking, ideological lockstep of the media, chilling of free speech, other-izing humans as “public health threats.” This isn’t a fucking joke.
They just bankrupted half of America. 19% of Americans are on what the treasury calls ‘transfer payments.’ BOE and an up and coming VANDERBILT economist nominee have called for bail-ins (literally taking your money Venezuela style) and direct consumer and business fed accounts (aka nationalizing the banks).
Wake TF up, business people. Forget left and right—the cathedral itself is DOING agenda 2030. Read it. They mean neuvo-socialism, official arms length oligarchs worldwide, global fascism. And it means the commodification of the individual via surveillance state panopticon. Capitalism is dead. Neo-technical feudalism is crouching at your door.
Burn your TV, delete Facebook, switch to anything digital that hasn’t been acquired by unchecked monopolists. Or don’t, misunderstand the future, and surrender your veins to a government contracted public private partnership blockchain that monitors your family’s behavior against what is ‘socially desirable’ per Blackrock shareholders’ opinions (pocketbook morality, that is).
When have we ever made technological revolutionary “progress” and not used it first for evil? TNT, nuclear energy…next are micro-surveillance and gene editing. Nothing? No patterns that concern you? When the ability is there, we use it. We always have. We used fire to eat, but I bet beforehand we tied some bastard up and burned him (an Auto-da-fé, Quixote style) for curiosity and fun sakes. You think we’re different? Civilized? Hitler had the benefit of Christ, Buddha, Charlemagne, Kierkegaard, and more. But he twisted Nietzsche instead. Mussolini had the benefit of the same men. But he twisted Goethe instead.
The government is meant to serve you -or at least that’s the myth we’ve chosen to believe- and to regulate against special interests. Tell me it’s not doing the exact opposite, all the while excusing itself in the name of [insert your personal consumeristic ideological enemy class here] via [insert your favorite sugary brand of narrative-controlling prefrontal cortex-lobotomizing media here].
It’s a once true myth turned shameful hoax, this sham of a republic, sham of a democracy. It’s technocratic rule now and they know it and their sucking it off as hard as they can to get on the winning side of its big swinging capital dripping dick. Wake the fuck up—people have to unite against this government NOW, and not against each other in the meantime. THAT’S the reason to burn your TV.
it’s not fuck Trump or let’s go Brandon—it’s fuck this permanent administration bent on growing itself until it Hoover’s everything into its covetous mouth.