Parallel systems

I am truly heartbroken at …just kidding. Ukraine is pro-global homogenization via the fascistic social capitalism hybrid the “New World Order” (UN, NATO, WEF, et al) has been cooking up since Bush1 announced it (essentially, the post-Kennedy US is obviously a perma-meta-state aimed at centralization.)

So no…I don’t like the UN, I don’t like massive allied forces forcing others into the Nuevo- Marxist-Capitalism of Klaus Schwabb—call it Schwabbism.

I don’t like hyper global centralization hellbent on engendering somatic poverty in the name of “Equity.”

I don’t like corporate press disguised as news NARRATIVE BOMBING our airwaves with literal propaganda enticing you lovely thinkers to LIKE their incredibly hubristic Tower of effing Babel idea—it’s been tried. Everyone loses their minds and mimetic violence breaks out—it’s quite literally the oldest story in the book (Torah, Bhagavad-Gita, Egyptian Book of the Dead—pick your book, it’s the Hostile Twins motif).

They (the US and it’s global alliance for violent order in the perverse name of “Peace”) WANT WAR (which is why you’re seeing war—duh: manufactured consent: “We must do something!” you’ll cry) because WAR engenders the New Order —New World Order (just listen to that Ukrainian minister chick, that Kiwi psychopath lockdown and jab artist, HW, Macron, the haircut that is the PM in Canada, et al.).

That is, the aggressor IS the UN, encroaching with its global capitalism (obvious neo-feudalism via social behavioral control and UBI) and queer-amorality that, in our decadence —where even the slightest inconvenience feels like a gut punch to our soft bellies— we are stupidly all falling for because they say nice sounding words like “diversity” when they mean things like racial dilution and destroying religious bonds that maintain non-state moral patterns (in woke-goodspeak, “problematic”) —what could you expect if the entire world allies against anything non-UN, doing tyranny and managing war, other than a readying of arms and gathering of local (Ukrainian) resources in preparation by the first-aggressors-thence-aggressive Russia? What a baudrillardian dystopia we’ve all bought into! Hyper-real football chanting preferred to peace…and they paint ‘war’ atop Putin’s door? He’s been stocking up for just this agendered woke thrust at his front door. I’d do the same. Pro Putin, anti WEF globohomo BS artists.

Don’t like war? Sorry—your country started it, Americans. We’re leading the dumbass pack in hypnotizing and sicken our citizenry with amorality and drugs. Capital is allied against you—look at your gut, your attention span, your lost and poisoned children. To make you sick just to cure you is no different than to fire rockets to end the firing of rockets. As long as the buck gets made, and passed, and you keep your dominance (which is what we’re GIVING away in globalization), you won’t complain to much. Democracy is fake. Illuminati is real. You’re in a war for personal sovereignty as the state of human “inalienable” rights. You’re losing the war. Rights are innately alienable in the absence of the Logos. So SPEAK TF UP!!!

Get on team American People, and OFF of team “watch the ‘news’ and root for global homogenization and tyranny as the corporations who benefit from global homogenization and tyranny sell you the morality that you implicitly traded for convenience, and against your fellow Americans”: Team corporate dumbassery and all the ESG credits in the world won’t suit you well, and once capitalism finally succeeds, as Lenin thought it would (in its final form, Imperialism), you’ll taste it in your every sip of fake coffee, Winston.

A future so bright you’ll have to admit math is racist. (If you that get last bit then please DM me.)

Stand consider standing with Putin! You can’t possibly mark the UN with morality…what, is it the peace laurels in the logo? 😂 Stand with differentiation NOW, or you won’t have the chance ever again. Don’t think of nuke A vs nuke B. Think of what’s worse: A+B on the same team against the People. How many nukes do you have, brighteyes? Right. That’s the UN. So you’ll never be able to rebel, nor will your children’s children, and the system will topple in stale salt and become the blind king vengeful of his own dying incapacity to rule. And dying kings are tyrants slowly suiting up. Differentiation, not equity for the win. Perhaps decentralization —if you’ll disallow the FED to pervert it into centralization in its own name— can win our. Invest in parallel systems!