The Left and religion

The left lost its religion (the etymological root, “religio,” meaning ‘to bind’ [a people together]) to science, mistaking an ‘ought’ for an ‘is’: conflating material nomological evidence as the Only truth, forgetting that Narrative truth —the kind of truth that myths built into our cognition via the ‘morals of our stories’— serves to keep our ‘lower’ instincts bound by what ‘should’ be done. (Narrative and myth creating the ‘Ought’ referenced above; the ‘Is’ being the material facts of matter, science’s only rightful domain. (ie. mRNA science IS available ≠ we OUGHT to force vaccinate humans in a worldwide global experiment.) Religious stories, their morals and implicit taboos conferred to us what we Ought. They bound our deepest instinct, acquisitive violence in sociological pressure to conform and submit—and righteously, for the alternative has always been the violence such moral stories and their taboos prevent. Religions all founded themselves, and thereby Our moral frameworks, via violence-preventative taboo and ritual, only after having done great collective violence, brother against brother. In the communion of that violence itself against a later-sacralized scapegoat, peace is found. Hence in communion, we remember the sacrificed body of Our Collective Victim. Thus all sacred gods are gods of either (often both) violence and peace. But simply because science has demystified the scapegoat does not mean that the human psyche and our instinctual acquisitive mimetic violence, our natural understanding of the world being a competition for resources, simply disappears with it. New myths are invented after new scapegoats are sacrificed. New rituals and taboos, too: masks and boosters, or speaking out against the state religion, all for example. The leftist atheist statist religious replacement for the psychological scapegoat they’ve science’d into banality always requires more blood than the symbol itself; for the symbol is a representation, a minimization, all the mana of previous grand violences packed into a single icon, and thus the new gods they’ve made of their technique, their technology must kill the old gods—but the way a new regime kills the gods of old is to kill those in whose minds the old gods reside. As Jesus said “the kingdom of god is within.” Science killed god, as Nietzsche’s Madman announced. I believe that. THAT god IS dead—effectively. But now the faithful of science (you know, the folks with the scientific-religious yard signs “BELIEVE THE SCIENCE” —it should be said that that sign implicitly tacks on “OR ELSE!” to its refrain) must kill the hangers on to the old god, the Old Faithful, in order to finish him off. This is the instinct for religion as it plays out across time and as gods die. This is the root of totalitarianism: it comes with the new god, and goes with the scapegoating of the old one…and it’s progenitors. I don’t see much of a middle ground in negotiating with “scientific” (blindly religious) terrorists, however kindly the jargon of their new Holy War and their priests may sound—was not the last god brought in by force just the same? If you aim to live, or for narrative to bind your family rather than atheism and nihilism at bottom, either join the new regime, or else kill it. For despite its moral claims of equity and love and unity, that unity comes ONLY from a common victim and the rejoicing of the death of the scapegoat(s). It always has. The less the leftist mindset sees this phenomenon, the more powerfully it preys on the murderous instincts they vehemently deny, calling them ‘culturally constructed.’ And indeed, via epigenetics, cultural construction comes directly from the mouth of collective violence; every culture is founded on religious violence—particularly from the culturally constructed myths which justify it post hoc. Only after the violence can their ‘peace on earth’ utopia arrive. Beware the religiouless, for their minds will contrive a new religion instinctually, blindly, and murderously. “The above ground tomb does not have to be invented. It is the pile of stones in which the victim of unanimous stoning is buried. It is the first pyramid.” –René Girard