
I’m always managing a lie
That I’ve been a success
That I’ll be one
Or less
Even to have one 
That it’s just around the corner
The win
The redemption 
That I’ve paid my dues
That I’m owed a come-around
I am not
I have not 
I will not
Save one
I have successfully managed the lie
The pull-over

If it’s to be a success 
then say why
Else you’ve simply
Sold a lie

Oh, a ‘not true yet’?
Hope and assurance
Better to purchase
A bill of insurance

I’ve gotten halfway around
The world with these pants
Spinning you ‘round in the dark 
A dark dance it is 
A sickening spin
When we stop 
The spinning 
The herald angel 
You’ve been fooled by
a fools gold king

Yes you saw me walk 
Into the mine
Into the muck 
Yes I’m covered 
But not in proof
Chewing your steak 
Flavor aloof 
Salted in Saturn 
Rings of enclosure
Notice the pattern 
Read your disclosure

Nothing here 
But a fine figured 
A picture 
A love 
Potential unproven 
This well will
Spot forth a child 
Meek and meager
Then healthy, then mild
And he’ll learn your ways
And he’ll learn your gaze 
What flash and glints 
And turns of phrase 
And turn your head
Next he wants milk 
And steal your thread
Linen and silk

From ore he’s born
Of desire I warn
With a rhyme unriddled 
Innocence unskilled 
Appears only as such
If you’ll just look close
An inch past your nose
You’ll notice I’m not
That much.