
Hope is gone when one gives way, slight and subtle at your feet

Down I lay my hands wrung weary, a tattered drum have they beat

Loose the arrow into its blind flight, by warp and woof it carves her

Into the night seal the sun, na’er shall pass the weary one; sleep now, to rest the martyr

Until the quench, the morning drench, the promise, her renown

Come she whence the dark or light, what provenance her crown?

Matter and mother, apple and other, bringer of life and light

And cover me with knowledge, and bear me a burden, and force me into flight

Low hang the necks of the adorned for the adoring, what heavy stones to store

This, the story, of guilt and debt and glory, interest, always interest the more

The promise of man, this cornerstone, he must bear the weight of the world

his lust for her pieces carved into his thesis, for this, history’s pages are curled

When will it end this hope of man, will Kali recuse and take her leave?

When no longer stands, this mirror of man, and she can no longer deceive.