in suffering the earthly urges he is religious, he wears his chains pride-heavy gold source of gravity to his words anchor to the flesh he's eager to unhold in retiring from life's game observer, kin to god unsubject to woman's woes and child his lack-glory and release untethered, absconded, enlightened increase has he won God? he shines but withdraws desires but purges burns himself in effigy to the Word is graduation sin? separation from the herd... is man meant to oppose himself? does not the family man hide his timidity bury his mind in mundanity whose despair is Holy, whose burden right? is a man in sin if his heavy yolk feels light? he's surely won god but has god won him? without flesh he is just the word he's become the beginning! what of god's gain desire for the body for existence and pain is this poetic rob'ry? what is Being owed in this swap carnal cogency, a rendering up sacrifice, a sacred trade a separation of all what's made or synthesis rapture experience in matter some filth for purity before animal's cleansing and grace for what's bent for the Prodigal's unbending