Risk of Fathers

I only want to do what’s verifiably foolish

I only care to run in pouring rain

To climb and fall whatever

Fingertips seared in pain

Slice my skin and ridicule my folly

Normal days are death and worry

This does not work for the Geist

So I live alone, god damn me

But what I needed was a concerned onlooker

A woman who’s warnings I could defy

Wry smiling, chest forward, a smiley-toothed white grin ringed in dirt

A baby to throw into the air and teach the thrill of the fall

A mother to shriek and bite her scarf mid-flight

And then sigh with relief at my son’s laughter at having tempted fate and won

What a glory, a son.

But no danger is permitted in this world

The mother can just leave – that bitch of contagious fear in this soft, this weak

A world of overpowered cunts on parade

Violent murder of what men are made

His wet hair in her talons, bludgeoning the savior’s skull against sharp concrete artifice

All the while a call for protection as her king bleeds out his confusion

And the men too: now they shriek in hopes of wetting their shriveled cocks

Foolishness outlawed, fear it’s jailor, death by weakness

This is your future–enjoy, you unknowing idiots of modernity.

May your bones be future’s concrete.