The gods war

The gods war

They have always warred

We conceive of them

Attempting to explain the godlikeness in us

Our love and our violence

In war, gods die

Some gods persist; Israel’s very name

They war in us, we their instruments

With violence and blood in our heats and hands

What else might we do but seek a loving god?

This is why our gods must die

Death and life and love

The victor and his god

Rise in redemption, in the name of love

A lie, a story of love in place of a the murderous truth

Kill god if you will, with your god of tools

When we wage war again

And if you win

Your god will rise too in the name of ‘love’

When tool versus tool constructs our hell

We will see our god again:

From violence, peace

We will hold up on high the most high thing

The symbol of peace, the lie, returned

against the violence in our hearts

The gods have always warred

Because we have always warred

Israel; God Prevails

Emmanuel; God with us

Victorious the people, victorious the god