What it was

It was pledge of allegiance in the morning, but it is much brighter now, hyperstatic, voting turned automatic, democratic in name only and shouldn’t we be mourning. Loss turned gain technofascist reign, acid drip down, throat coat of the insane. Lions roar, shaved mane, naked shameless joint pain, arthritic arithmetic two plus two asthmatic suffocate brains of babies, gender neutered web nurtured thumb scroll numb neck stupefied craned keck, Pepe was right and now black flight from shackles to shackles and dust to dust and so we crumble the upper crust, salt pillar game killer lives matter but not ours, must scatter, doo wop white boy cop killer spirit willer, mad man shaman wicked man blunt knife, tried weed smoke weed breaded butter fuck life. Time stand still circus shrill scream once tried twice. To the flag of the untied states for which we kneel and tongues heal sweet salve slave bath hurry now no dad tee vee truth fuck that.