Posts Tagged: consciousness


Night Owl, Morning Eagle

The bright flight seared —smeared— the ink that stained my browned body. Coordinates skewed lat for long, feathers darkened. Yellow and sharp, beak now cute and rounding. Talons remain but feathers black now for night’s plunging stead of day, and eyes to match—keen machined fine instruments turned black fat saucers, hungry dinner plates. “What creature[…]

world a’one

Do our masses spin in relation? But look inside—they are empty Who is this weigher, this marble shooter? We see through his eyes yet we are made of marble—and malice? Misunderstanding, surely; If we divine, we are divine, the doing and the done, spent and ever spinning, singer and song sung. Empty self to sacrifice[…]

man, a death-god

did Eros make man of monkey and Psyche, Pleasure from pain? bliss to toil, curiosity spoil; now man at gods’ feet, slain our immemorial killing a runt sown to shallow ground from innocence our guilt and debt; to eternal ties we’re bound