Posts Tagged: devil


long years and for naught

this stubborn pride seems to lord over me must I take these losses to the grave? must they be my name and dress? “you’ve done it once and for all marked now for misery and meager” he calls before God with each mourning sun “that soul of yours rid yourself its burden! —here, I’ll take[…]

letting go

self-perdition a crumbled faith the auto-poetic curse of one’s own wraith a wrathful possession unwillful obsession; a relinquishing of arms not to fight such is our right to court these devil’s charms

dialogue and the devil

“How could a good god conscience such evils as men?” —Do you not also write in pleasure from pain? Now for the claim: “He is in you,” and “in your heart!” —Do you not also do evil in good’s own name? Yes dears, that is where he dwells A resounding “Yes, and!” I proffer; Your[…]

stinging sleep

trodding the tired circle our second sun sleeping and with it our energetic devil better to wake him and boil blood is change such a sin? do we not need a good stirring, souls asunder calling out for the rise? fructification in fright fruit we are—good for the biting in need of spring’s honey bee

Devil at ease

Devil at ease in our midst are these days really so bright? inward-turned, left limping man perhaps four lefts maketh right lamps fired on our own fat indulgent animal programmable rat round his wheel and waste his time extratheth labor, the ‘vig,’ plus prime these technical towers: temples or tombs? insightful Satan, man at high[…]