Posts Tagged: dionysus



how mad progenitors born on stage dancing to a script writing without reading madder still they become should they join their audience a play with eyes covered louder still! from fear to fervor acting to know their god dance! become!

violence at the core

Saturnalia for the masses lest Dionysus come due and dual the individual else guilt and ruin rue violence vie a visit cross caste high and low ever upon his brother who’s name he cannot know shadow creep the shoulder dark twin to brother bright light only the hour older a worm from Adam’s bite

silence, violence

many of a melting pot boil ye tempest stew one and all shall draw the lot pray it not be you non-violence claim we Atoms dejected gods inside do quarrel disbelief they cannot fathom for violence maketh moral body politic doth tick and on our blood it feed ambivalence burn whichever wick but burning cometh[…]