Posts Tagged: god


as above so below

where has your evil gone or have you pressed it down to hell, this kingdom of God within you this golden poisoned well do you imagine they’ve forgotten God and Devil expressed, whose house you’ve commandeered, part to whole, suppressed? silent tower, whispering dungeon two kingdoms within, not one clamor they by day and night[…]

pour god, poor man

I have heard it said, “hope is a beggar,” as if hope were hopeless and the beggar poor but if he begs, he begs of us a kindness; a gift to the poor in spirit and if he hopes from us his daily bread, then mana he feeds our hungry souls What is a beggar[…]

lumin deo hominae

a man’s truest prayer want by color of time does his brush pursue blue serenity or chase red in vein or lie in green grasses in lover’s eye these primal colors sign his name and by them the painter’s hand wish of god manifest no, a prayer is not man’s request but a tracing, a[…]

forgiven almighty

what about forgiving god? our bodies an almighty resting place bless him with a soft bed—with ecstasies mustn’t he have a taste for life? a love-song by morning’s bouncing lark espresso beans’ crushed splendor a sun-staring sneeze of stars —relief from their gravity might we be his catharsis his peace from creative cost yes, lord[…]