Posts Tagged: kings


the will of god

father’s warm warning yellow imperative rise yesterday’s tomorrow come and willful are the wise make me not a promise mistake me not for guilt for I Am you and in you and bid you: “do as thou wilt” or plead your chips of sorrow wrap tight your skinny belt while fattened beast upon you feast[…]

peace by plough

the gods did war and again in us wearily we grew to love and from love to lust renewed, impassioned zealous gods asunder ever clever Zeus rise again in wonder fodder, broken vessels artifacts are men shards to toppled kingdoms if kingdom come, then when? laws describe relation poured from ancient rock lapis shine within[…]


knowledge bashful but for righteous kings lower men trample the pearl too soon she blossom before chattering prince youthful secrets do unfurl but never twice a woman scorned of garish greed, pursuit for pomp of princely lesson mourned she shadeth sacred fruit

hot crown

ever wrong, these imputors of Order tugging at laces, twisting our twine for Lots last only their season and the knot begets its crime power projected and necks protected by ends they find their means but fire that burns renews our urns in our coals cooketh our kings