a busy world counts the need for peace evil, quietude ignorance, room for presence starvation how can a man pursue “Oneness in Being with the Father” whilst the chop surrounds his sinking head, a threat to breath, to aspiration—to spirit? at every moment he is expiring, dark banal currents tow him downward to nothing Leviathan’s[…]
Posts Tagged: leviathan
What is the human-valued value of atheism —that “god does not exist”? Well, existence is a tricky subject. We’ll leave that for later, whether god does this thing we call existing. The human-valued value of [all of society being turned toward] atheism is simple: without the concept of God the people believe they are material.[…]
Leviathan rise and extinguish spark of man swallowed where two become undistinguished meal of man hallowed come Eucharist, come devil and give unto man his due spark return from fiery belly a savior son she spew