Posts Tagged: love


believer anew

God on my lips twice each day with no voice he listens just an echo of guilt for iniquities but you speak back eyes aglow, living god who loves me how clear a voice how shameful a reflection my own personal god what hidden proof beauty in plain sight an echo sweet and forgiving my[…]

wait, wait

wait, wait I might still fall apart wait, wait I might still break your heart hold on, hold fast to the hope of who we are hold, us two together this love, this loving art

not in vain

I think of you as a secret saving pearl of great price hidden from and for me a wearied runner’s prize not for toil and though it terry she terry not in vain but for long faith however weary a vision in lion’s mane coat of many colors by slow stripe lessons learned Love, the[…]

sharped love

this shape I’ve become shining scythe to future a rancid harvest ungathered, un-gatherable and yet you sow a promise of rotten seed and yet you sow shuffling feet through bones of lovers past rows of wheat painted white crushed calcium and yet you sow scarecrow smiles the warning reaper’s sympathy written in mixed blood and[…]