Posts Tagged: poetry


morning call

I heard you that morning; and so did those bedroom walls echo their sweet recounting in my drift back to sleep sirens to dancing morning light upon eyelids; there flash first Cardinal Asa spake and sang: “She is your color and mine. Perhaps we are old men coincidental in heart. Perhaps we sing the same[…]


at bottom where shadow shade a brook springs from all unbade his underside all will and wealth desire she gush the Taker, the Self no other consider in womb, all one no sin nor sinner bid “return, become”

violence at the core

Saturnalia for the masses lest Dionysus come due and dual the individual else guilt and ruin rue violence vie a visit cross caste high and low ever upon his brother who’s name he cannot know shadow creep the shoulder dark twin to brother bright light only the hour older a worm from Adam’s bite


you’ve shaken spray from sea molded man from mud and by sacred spell cast a name fates now weave and giants groan; another fire-wielder awaits anointing what smoke he’ll draw what forests foil will he drag plow beneath the moon or shake stick at our heavens? shall we chant his name manic in the round[…]