Posts Tagged: poetry


devil in you

you’re haunting that devil, aren’t you, in your fellow man rest assured he is there who was it again, cast from god’s heaven—and to where was he cast? rest assured he is there still, he never left; and what does he do but haunt men?

shiny failure

wanderer in place belly-filler aggry bead sophist unbearable lightness confidence man uncatechised hope-beggar coquette voyeur dreamer prick

blame god for love

love is surely a fall; from what place higher; and where does it land? I say from Order, and to chaos—and we “love” this fall? or is it just the feeling, the thought, the thrill; and disordered, dismembered, we clamor again for high ground—a predictable plane who started this worrisome cycle a’stir, and why? but[…]

bright lion

yolk-yellow lover of man do boys and girls not sprout like seeds? does love not follow light? utter me a word without tomorrow’s promise no tongue if not for lapping up life no reasonable river rush; for where is she running and for whom? spider toil not a web without witness or victim man, so[…]

aeternal return

oh a great death shakes Carmel become as valley as Puer Aeternus return to take mild men enraged in rally a lever shall lift itself tear trickle smiling cheek made real ever-wanton wealth our valley become as peak Arms enjoined to king not finger to polished plow hunch confirm and hunger bring rapture, slaughter, and[…]