Posts Tagged: poetry



how short a day might be if some marble ran ’round the other if some spiral spun willy-ways; instead, this marvelous mandala a time to break fast, to plant seed, time for a birth, a leaping how cold a night might be if some noble star lost his crown if he lain down, sword too[…]

our daily bread

“You must Make something of yourself Young man!” Oh, must I? And what shall I make but a thing of the divine— an object of being? And with what haste? Shall I tally my years the faster? I can make but I surely “mustn’t,” for I have no self but the Lord. And I am[…]

tiger’s tale

inertia, old foe and friend you’ve come visiting again to push and pull fates bound too loose or else too tight why is it you who’s sway we’re under; and do you know your time? or do the gods too have your tail tormented tigers we cannot blame let us bargain then all-seeing eyetooth, thirsty[…]


join in deception deceived and deceiver whirring reception all truth eyes into mirror fear maketh believer shining reflection the tooth

Devil at ease

Devil at ease in our midst are these days really so bright? inward-turned, left limping man perhaps four lefts maketh right lamps fired on our own fat indulgent animal programmable rat round his wheel and waste his time extratheth labor, the ‘vig,’ plus prime these technical towers: temples or tombs? insightful Satan, man at high[…]