Posts Tagged: religion


revery of the dying gods

A prophet walks into a bar and sings a hymn “I have good news, weary friends.” the drunken gods all roll their eyes ’round to hear “The almighty—he has need of your sorrows!” ‘finally, a song worth singing,’ one cries “A love, a guilt, a melody, the crying babe and laughing pauper, the sin-lover in[…]

to and fro

of mind and matter, man potential-promising pan from leaden to gold unconscious unfold moral and mercy bedamned wash us away in prophetic reign in pouring spring arise again shards of clay splinter asunder roots of old rich in blunder immortal Seth from Able and Cain undying pursuit whether wax or wane

he who parts

young and loud rude, proud and pouncing fast and blind try-hard actor, lush bulrush baby attitude on par for this pauper ferula parts sea? listen to him crackling bush of God imperfect leader a man relatable

man, a death-god

did Eros make man of monkey and Psyche, Pleasure from pain? bliss to toil, curiosity spoil; now man at gods’ feet, slain our immemorial killing a runt sown to shallow ground from innocence our guilt and debt; to eternal ties we’re bound

our daily bread

“You must Make something of yourself Young man!” Oh, must I? And what shall I make but a thing of the divine— an object of being? And with what haste? Shall I tally my years the faster? I can make but I surely “mustn’t,” for I have no self but the Lord. And I am[…]