Posts Tagged: religion


Devil at ease

Devil at ease in our midst are these days really so bright? inward-turned, left limping man perhaps four lefts maketh right lamps fired on our own fat indulgent animal programmable rat round his wheel and waste his time extratheth labor, the ‘vig,’ plus prime these technical towers: temples or tombs? insightful Satan, man at high[…]


clever-dumb-devil, rum-revel, rouse god third son sow sin, trick kin, rot Sod Christ sleep silent, sword sheathed, sooth said city fall, rise ba’al, soft sand satan tread come King-spirit, sing fire, face a’glow victor valor win the hour, Set Isis river ‘flow battle-brother, back to mother, animals of haute hate singing spirit, Osiris’ son, harrow[…]

Ode to St. Sabas

might we burn again, each man fire-column to King Fingers outstretched to heaven and to brothers, burning; flame-crowned fathers faces shone like Saint Sabas “Here is Abba Antony coming,” and here band of prophets; brighter still bake orange countenance in furnace of God! And here band of Apostles! Here is my ghost, a happy trade[…]

sacred sisters

Do we war or gods within us Violence visit all the same First decadence, then Dionysus depart Leave the women to blame So punish sacred sister Now that god has gone away And violence from the hearts of men For a time be kept at bay