Posts Tagged: salvation


long years and for naught

this stubborn pride seems to lord over me must I take these losses to the grave? must they be my name and dress? “you’ve done it once and for all marked now for misery and meager” he calls before God with each mourning sun “that soul of yours rid yourself its burden! —here, I’ll take[…]

song of the dead

feel guilt too deeply and sin too sharp fault inscribed upon his heart not a word in counter of moral pagan silence rise to writhe a’mourning a nothingness so violent turn the day and dread the night enact the sacrificial rite but have you heard or perhaps read our sacred sacrificed “god is dead?” leapt[…]

whaling venture

god and sinner reconciled divine made dirty through a child and washed clean in simultaneity reconciliation by the rock the god-man dilemma a going in two ways this the passion ancient of days man’s mind is proof white whale within hunter or pray true north to sin how to win but by losing ourselves unto[…]

chthonic tonic

I did not see a man hag then rise like Osiris nor some devil bite at unjust bait and not a man sans hades himself bore witness to purgation’s broken gate now we moderns bereft of proof but full of pudding left aloft on dogmatic footing terry for science and tenuous morals dead in spirit[…]

vita de morte

thankfulness, which is salvation comes in contrast reprieve, with nothing between its layers immediacy contact, ad hominem a movement of mood mind and body in bound unity to be gripped for knowing thankful, unimpeachable truth gnostic fidelity this saves us.