Posts Tagged: tyranny


The human-valued value of atheism

What is the human-valued value of atheism —that “god does not exist”? Well, existence is a tricky subject. We’ll leave that for later, whether god does this thing we call existing. The human-valued value of [all of society being turned toward] atheism is simple: without the concept of God the people believe they are material.[…]

an evil inheritance

dearest king, initiate to Isis draw near your heart to khepre and crisis he who rises to meet your eye who shines the day and marks the night but genies bottled long to tell awaiting the curious king a’spell conscious contagion upon your masses millstone to their neck secrets of the priest weigh heavy upon[…]

state of the state

mediocrity disdains competence the state loves the faggot dependence is power independence, contagion confusion, stability sickness, assurance largess, brittle bureaucracy, robust god, cheapened honesty, derided war, profit prophecy, dangerous peace, abomination incest, the hidden rule health, hated the Jew, an unknowing debtor the German, a blind blaze the American, a proud slave God, distantly dying[…]

the will of god

father’s warm warning yellow imperative rise yesterday’s tomorrow come and willful are the wise make me not a promise mistake me not for guilt for I Am you and in you and bid you: “do as thou wilt” or plead your chips of sorrow wrap tight your skinny belt while fattened beast upon you feast[…]